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Author: Justin Mullin

December 15, 2006

 Praise God for a tremendous Women’s Brunch Event!  Thanks to all who prayed for and all who worked so hard on making the brunch come together!  The financial donations are being figured this week and we are thrilled about what God will be able to do with them. We will be searching for a storage solution.  

 God coordinated the main speaker’s talk with ours without any communication between us down here! That was an awesome planning detail!  If the guests only had known!

Please pray for the R&R families as they try to make it through the holidays.  A few are still homeless.  

Tomorrow a R&R delivery crew will be helping a woman at a battered women’s shelter move her belongings to storage. It’s really sad to see so many people without resources for moving. This is why so many people have to start from scratch when they move or get evicted for not paying rent etc. No resources for help in their network. They can only take what they can carry without transportation help.

Two beds are scheduled to be delivered to another family on Sunday and a single mom will be getting help with weatherizing her duplex windows by a service crew member tomorrow.  

So… every day is different and God will use whomever is willing to be used!

December 1, 2006

Wow. What a week!

It was quiet over the holiday weekend which was nice. When Sunday evening rolled around, the phone started ringing. This was good because we were on the calendar to move two families this week.  Some of the donations were still needed and prayers were in order.  The phone rang and someone from church asked -without knowing the need- if we needed twin mattresses. “You are an answer to prayer!”  We picked them up last night during the scheduled delivery to the family we helped.  

There has been quite a bit of material donating recently which is wonderful and welcomed but without an official storage place, a bit stressful. When we know of upcoming family moves due to housing searches, leaving shelters or whatever, it’s wonderful to have items ready to go. So, praise God for these resources!

Our church van was utilized this week for the picking up and dropping off of R&R kids and their friends!  This is another answer to prayer. There were 10 kids picked up for our Wed. night program the other day!  Last week, two kids had to stay home because of lack of space in a mini van. The church van will probably meet it’s limit of 15 once word gets out… Please pray for these children. That they will receive Christ and bring home what they learn.

Our Sat. delivery was postponed to Jan. and in the meantime, a new referral came in!  So, arrangements are being made to deliver to this new connection instead. Isn’t God full of surprises?

Please pray that our Dec. 7 gathering of interested R&R churches has some attendees.  Two new connections with churches were made over the phone yesterday though. They will be meeting for info next week at separate times. Please pray for God’s direction with these meetings.

Also pray for our women’s fund raiser brunch being held on the 9th. May the message be clear and exciting to the guests. 

One of our R&R dads got hired this week through a church connection- a relief and blessing to that family!  There may be some ESL lessons provided to a family starting next month by a volunteer.

Still searching for housing for a few other families. Please pray for them as they look!

Stay tuned!

November 17, 2006

It was a joy to see God work out details this week.  Last Saturday, two separate delivery crews brought household furniture to a Mound family.  It was fantastic to see them the next day with everything in place and smiles on their faces!  They are looking for a church and plan to visit this week. Our prayers have been with them as the mother has been getting tests done on a tumor behind her eye.  Her results will be shared with her next week. She has lost her sight of her left eye which is pretty scary with 4 small children.  Praise though, her to-be husband was hired this week too.

Tuesday, we supplied items for a family moving out of a women’s shelter and Thursday we delivered furniture and household things for another family moving out of a shelter and into their own place. The larger furniture donation going to this family was very timely and was in the same part of the city as the apartment. We fortunately had two beds in storage for this family of two also!

The Chaska family had success with a lead we supplied for housing. Thank you for praying about this! A family took them in at no charge until they can gather a deposit for an apartment a landlord is holding for them! We’ll be praying that this all works out.

An older R&R connection resurfaced this week.  We had been praying to hear an update and it came. Unfortunately, the reconnection was tied to a crisis. Fortunately, we can provide resources to help.  Please pray for this single dad.  He needs housing right away.

Housing seems to be the biggest need right now.

Another R&R family brought home their mother from the east coast last weekend to live here. She will be looking for her own Sec. 8 housing.  They are thrilled to have their working washer after being gone for 2 weeks!  Praise that they got back here safely. It was quite the trip! 

Please pray for employment for one of the R&R dads who lost his job on Monday.

Busy, Busy, Busy!

If your church would like to do Reach & Restore, we’d love to talk!