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Author: Justin Mullin

January 26, 2007

This month has flown by hasn’t it!

This week we saw God working again. A R&R person was taken to an eye doctor and got medical attention for an eye infection.  The eye looked clear and felt tons better within an hour! Also the insurance number which was lost was retrieved which paid for half of the appointment. A beautiful email was sent to R&R from this person who says R&R is restoring faith .

A new R&R family responded “It is such a blessing to have you here helping us” when beds were delivered Wed. evening. “Will you be coming back?”  A seed was planted with this family as they saw God pull resources together for them. They have interest in attending church soon. The woman was hired to work at a resteraunt this past week too! 

Please pray for two women who had medical procedures done this week as they recover. 

Please pray for a storage solution to come about as the need is announced this Sunday during our service.


January 21, 2007

Many items of praise this week.

The most amazing quote:

“You don’t know how much you are helping me out. You’ve been like a…(pause) lifesaver for me. Thank you so much. I haven’t felt like this for years.”  

Two R&R people asked us to be a reference for employment!

One R&R woman was assisted in opening a checking account. She had been paying the Western Union fees to cash her checks.  

Two R&R people had birthdays and no means to celebrate with so cakes were delivered by crew members.

A new referred family needed a 3x winter coat. We had one in storage! God knew it’s destination and all were amazed.

Please pray for housing and the coordination of deliveries this week. Also continue to pray for storage and for us to continue to be used to serve others together as the Body of Christ. 

January 17, 2007

A wonderful thing happened this past week with one our new R&R people. This person has a technical skill(s) that may plug into church! In fact, because there was an invitation to use the skills at church, and a church person willing to be transportation, the person came last Sunday! Praise God! This person has had a lot of bad church experiences in the past and just told us today that there were no bad “fire and brimstone” feelings and is looking forward to coming back.  Please pray for healing of this heart and salvation for our new friend!  

There is also crisis in the lives of a few others we have come to know. Pray for employment and family resolve as well as opportunity to show God’s mercy and love.

A few follow up calls have come back with news that things are going better/great since they received help from Reach & Restore.  

Please pray for more church involvement so we can continue serving Him together!