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Author: Justin Mullin

April 6, 2007

Wonderful news. A family with teen girls from our church has been connected with a referred R&R family to babysit.The wife/mom of the family in need has cancer and the parents wished for time alone together. Please pray for their salvation and peace. 

Praise-a Life Preserver and swimmer have reconnected via the phone this week. We pray that they can talk again tonight and possibly meet this weekend in person.  

Another R&R family needs car repairs done. Please pray that we can find someone to work on it for the cost of parts. 


April 5, 2007

Just received a call that another R&R person has been hired. This is fabulous news as depression was really taking a toll and affecting their family. Praise God and thank you to all who were praying.

Had a tour of the new food shelf facilities. Highly recommended.

Searching for a Women’s Bible Study Support Group Leader. Please pray for the right fit and that women will be excited to support this outreach opportunity! 

We were scheduled to move two families last weekend. One move fell through but we know why now. The Lord knows what’s needed! A family who was moving their mom to an assisted living place donated much of her household items the day before!  A queen bed was needed for the next day and just so happened that was the size bed that was donated!  The rain stopped during both of these transactions!   Just the right delivery crew was on hand and God’s angels spared one of our delivery teams from an accident which occurred right in front of them as they were leaving the apartment.  A connection was made during the move with a church in Minneapolis. Both pick up and deliveries had signs of God’s provision, tears of thankfulness and praise and were huge witnesses of His love.  It is so much fun to serve Him!

 Praise…one of our network churches received a donation of free storage space! 

A delivery was made to a single dad a week ago. He was connected with his area food shelf. 

We are searching for housing for 2 families right now.  

Please pray for this ministry. That the word will get out there-involvement will expand-

it’s life changing God stuff! 

HE IS RISEN! Happy Easter! 

April 2, 2007

Didn’t think we should update on April Fool’s Day…

God really showed His hand in many things this past week.

Much of a large donation made on Friday, from a family who is putting their mom into assisted living, went to a R&R woman Saturday 

Please continue to pray for employment possibilities for our dear friends. It’s tough out there!