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Author: Justin Mullin

June 3, 2007

One of our families who was waiting for his job to restart has been called back to work! A dilemma with that was that his work tools were gone due to a landlords’ refusal to return them after a month that he had not been able to pay rent.  His boss would not let him borrow tools from other workers and was told not to come back to work until he had tools. R&R got the needed tools and the man is back on the job working his rear off for his family. We were praising the Lord and he has restored hope for his future. 

Last week we worked hard getting the apartment cleared out (see earlier entry) and boxed up for the  Hmong family. It was amazing what we found in the kitchen. Lots of food. Food that was obviously from the food shelf many times over because there were repeats. It was clear what happened. This was a hispanic family that didn’t eat these types of foods. They didn’t know that they could have traded this food for items they would eat at the grocery store and were too embarrassed to say anything. All of this food has been given to others in need- a blessing to many.

The Hmong family got a fresh start with the items left there and the baby things are being passed onto a single mother who is taking in two children from a relative who is really messed up. One of which was just born last week. The other is 3 years old. Please pray for her and this big leap of faith.

A new referral came in a few days ago- a 70 year old- in tears- lonely. We’ve connected a Life Preserver to her. Please pray for this relationship to be a comfort and a blessing to both.

One of our families is excited to move at the end of the month. God has provided a place- now we’re just praying that the Sec. 8 housing inspection goes well. Please pray for it to go smoothly on the 15th.

The move for the single deaf mother went great! We thought all we were doing was to help them move but it was such a blessing to everyone involved.  The family wasn’t packed when our help arrived. Evidently the mother didn’t believe it was really going to happen because she was waiting for her help from the county with the deposit. Everyone chipped in and worked really hard together- with smiles- it was such a witness to the family and the social worker. We donated a few beds for the kids -turns out they had never had their own beds before. They always had shared a bed with their mom. When the 8 yr old saw her “new” pillowcase she said,” now my pillow looks like a REAL pillow”. She was in heaven.  One of the delivery crew helpers said that on the way to the new apartment the daughter said,” I think everything is going to be ok now”.  

God is at work. THANKS for your support.   

May 21, 2007

This week we will be moving the furniture from the vacated apartment to the other family who is in need. The Lord is exposing us to so many different situations! This new family is Hmong and consists of a 3 yr old, one on the way and parents who are both deaf. Communication is being left up to the social workers who know sign. Our role will basically be just the move, although next week we are also helping with a delivery for a different family in which the single mother is deaf.  A woman from our church will be able to be present to sign for the movers. She is looking forward to this opportunity.

We will also get word on the condition of a car that was donated. If it’s too expensive to repair, it will be donated to Wheels to Work. If this is the case, we will have higher priority if we send someone there for transportation help. There is always a waiting list for cars that are donated out there.

Housing is still an issue for a few of our contacts.  Please pray for solutions!

God has answered our prayers about finding the right match for a Bible Study/Support Group Leader!

Praise Him! Now we will trust that He will bring in those who are willing to get this help and need exactly that.  Stay tuned… it probably won’t start before the fall.

There are so many people struggling with daily life around us that we don’t seem to meet and are so isolated. The church must not ignore this fact! Jesus went out and mingled and got to know people that others ignored–Hmmm…..  


May 11,2007

This past week we’ve seen God’s hand in many things. 

We have a lead on a women’s support group leader. Please pray for a match!

The family living in a hotel has moved into a rental home. Please pray for the county assistance to come through fast and for stable employment. 

A huge household donation was given to the ministry this week. It’s been a lot of work but thanks to the R&R crew members, we have already been able to help a few families with some of the donation.

An R&R family has been separated due to a family illness. Because the father must leave to be with the family member who is very ill, the mother and children must vacate their apartment due to the stop of income. They will be moving in with a relative in St Paul and leaving most of their belongings which R&R had provided behind. Please pray for this situation and that we don’t lose this connection to help in the future. The family wants R&R to take the furniture back for another family. We assure them that if they need to furnish a different place down the road, R&R will assist them. 

The first babysitting “job” for our R&R volunteers helping a family where the mom has cancer, went great . The sitters will be helping a lot while the father has to travel for work later this month.

We are getting to know a pregnant teen who is due next month. She is in a relative foster care situation. Feeling alone and is so thankful for help with baby items and a listening ear!

There are many details the Lord worked out this week that won’t be entered here but thank you for your prayers!  They are making a difference! One dad was employed and started work on Monday, others are looking for housing, a few families were helped with moving this week. The list goes on…What we are praying for are more crew members who want a part of God’s action! 

Quote of the day:”Wondering if you can make a little miracle happen”

“I was just praying when you called! Without you and God man, I don’t know what I’d do. (In tears)”