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Author: Justin Mullin

September 10, 2007

Unfortunately, we had to “let go” two of our R&R swimmers during the past week. Both were told the truth in love and released from our help. Although a very sad thing, we pray that God will use the time we had to show them God’s love will motivate a change to be more responsible in their choices for their futures. Both are very appreciative of R&R and are further along because of the ministry.

The new swimmer with cancer and the new Life Preserver went out together yesterday and had a ball. The Life Preserver said she is so thankful for this opportunity to give to someone else and is really excited to befriend her.

The couple that was living in their car is now in a motel through Friday because of R&R support crew members who have given financially to the ministry. The motel manager gave us a discounted rate too. Praise God. We are searching for an affordable apartment now. They were so thankful to get the news from the motel manager after losing all hope to move forward.  Right now we are gathering household items so they are ready for a move within the next few weeks.

A R&R 3 yr old was given a donated Barbie bike with training wheels yesterday. “Mine?” she said with a smile. She took off the safety pads on the bars and said.”Pretty! Shiny!” She had to expose the glittery parts. She got on the bike (only in her underwear) and took off down the sidewalk happily as can be!  This little blessing may be more work for her mother, but what a joy to see a child’s delight and a positive outlet for an active little girl.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement as we serve. May God be praised for the work He has done. 

September 9, 2007

Three new referrals this past week.  We are in need of Life Preservers. One was matched with a Life Preserver the next day. The woman has stage two cancer and is a single parent. The Life Preserver will be helping with some rides to doctor appointments and befriending her. Please pray that she will get legal help to have the freedom to move her kids out of state where her family is. Due to custody rules she’s not allowed to move out of MN. She has no other personal support here other than her Life Preserver. The food shelf case worker said her face lit up with hope when she was given the R&R brochure. Cool. Please pray

Three of the families we are helping are getting help with finding housing. It’s really tough but we trust the Lord will provide something affordable.  Transitional housing would be awesome for them.

One couple is living in a motel, and another in their car. We will be helping with a few nights for the couple living in their car to have a motel room.  The woman is working and will be getting her paycheck next week so that is a positive for them. The family currently in the motel room has a potential apartment lined up now. We will be providing household items for both of these couples as they move into empty places. 

Clothing and a few toys were delivered to a family in need last week. The kids were SO happy and excited. Especially the boy whose dream it was to have a video system. R&R had an old one in storage and he is inviting his friends over to play. Before he felt so left out.  

Please pray for one of our friends who will be going to court in November to get her deposit back from her landlord.  It’s so disheartening to a person who has about $60 to live on a month!  

August 25, 2007

A delivery was made to a new family who was expecting a baby any day and had almost nothing in their apartment. R&R was able to provide household items and all the basic new baby items like a crib and car seat. The family was so relieved and thankful for the help. Being pregnant and sleeping on the floor… unimaginable.

Clothing was delivered to another family in need last week. The three year old was SO excited to get her clothes. 

Our friend who was so diligently searching for work was hired!  She will be moving within walking distance from her work and is thrilled to begin. When we met her she was about to end her life and God has really been changing her and giving her hope through her Life Preserver!  Praise God!

The birds were delivered to our R&R friend and the family is thrilled. During this visit the woman shared her frustration with the schools and how they are treating her son/family differently because they are hispanic. It was eye opening to hear her story. She also talked about her religious background and is interested in bringing her kids to church. She has a goal of finishing her GED too.  Please keep her in your prayers. She is from Arizona, new to the area and lonely.

Please pray for this ministry as we jump into the fall. May hearts and hands be open and willing to serve.

Our first run of a “training” DVD is done and will be available for viewing soon!