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Author: Justin Mullin

May 4, 2010

We are excited to share “The Clothes Line” with you!  Some of you got your tour at the open house last weekend and others are still planning on checking it out soon. If you would like a tour of the new Reach & Restore Service Station, please give us a call.  You will see the potential for helping many more people and how God has blessed the ministry in various ways.

A couch was delivered this morning to a woman and the first thing she said was “thank you Jesus”. What a great reminder.  Everything good comes from God and He should get the first thank you every time!

A woman who became a widow a week and a half ago received help cleaning out her apartment. The husbands’ family told her to get out by the end of the month and she had no one to turn to for support.  People came together to help and she was able to move back to her family a few days ago.

A family that we delivered furniture to last month called and invited us back to see how their place turned out after putting things away. They were so proud and happy for the help and it was their way of thanking R&R.

An R&R crew helped a disabled woman move and another crew helped her get settled by unpacking, bring her food and helping with laundry. “I’d be in the hospital again without your help. I never would have been able to do this. Praise God. God is good.”

Those are a few of the latest happenings around here.  We will be accepting referrals for the “Clothes Line” this week.  Please call us at 952-933-1393 to refer a person or family for clothing. Clothing will be free up to a certain number of pieces and then sold per piece beyond that to support the outreach.

April 8, 2010

What a glorious tiime of year to see miraculous change around us.

Change is in the air at R&R as well!  It’s been a very busy few months as we have moved to our new “Service Station!”  We are transforming the space to include the new clothing ministry with many donated supplies. We have seen God provide exactly what is needed!

At the same time we are doing our best to help those we have been referred to us.

For example, this week a donation of household goods and furniture was received and has been separated and has helped three different families so far!

A family without a washer and dryer was connected with a set this week.

A man was given clothing so he could start his job. His boss would not let him start working without the uniform and he had no other way to get what he was required to wear.

Our Open House will be May 2nd.  Hope you can join us in celebrating what God has done and will do with our service!

February 24, 2010

Incredible things are happening as we prepare to make the big move!

Special thank yous can not wait! Businesses/individuals that have invested their time, talent and products to us are such an encouragement and HUGE BLESSING!!!!  Here are a few!

Baillie’s Better Drywall

Precision Air- Hopkins

Sherwin Williams- Eden Prairie

Intertex Painting , LLC  New Hope

MTS, Eden Prairie

Closet Factory- Plymouth

M&I Supplies- Hopkins

Ridgewood Church Youth Group- Minnetonka

And of course all of the individuals lending their hands along the way!

Yesterday, a couch was given to a family and we received a call from the single mother after she got home from work.  She was on the brink of tears saying, “you don’t know what a blessing this is…I was really feeling like I was ready to give up on my way home from work today and then I came home to this.  I want to let you know you really lifted my spirits cause there is no way I can afford to buy things for our place.  God bless you.”

Stay tuned for more of God’s handiwork!   Praise Him!