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Author: Justin Mullin

February 1, 2011

First of all, thank you for your year end giving and support of this ministry. This year is sure to be a blessing to many and a tool for our Lord to reflect His love and care during tough times.

A few days ago we got a call from a man who just got hired at a nearby restaurant and was starting the next day. Problem was, he didn’t have a way to get the required work clothes for the job.  He was referred to Reach & Restore and the items he needed were provided!  This was a huge demonstration of God’s provision for this person, his roommate and now to all who are reading this!

Specific needs are met with your help and generousity.

Imagine trying to sleep on a floor and getting up for school or work the next day. And how about the next day and the next. That sure would create tension in my family!

Right now we have a lot of families waiting for Reach & Restore to deliver beds.  If you hear of anyone that might be willing to donate a bed due to a move, downsizing or upgrading, please give us a call! Keep in mind that we desire to give nice, clean items to our referred friends. Thank you!  952-933-1393

December 15, 2010

Many people ask us what we need right now.  It’s always a question that causes me to pause. Names rush into my head. Specific families who have requested  things and are waiting to be assisted.

Like the single mom who has a car that doesn’t always start. She is employed but worries she’ll lose her job because of her car one day and then lose her housing. Her apartment was treated for bed bugs a while ago and almost everything  had to be thrown out. They sleep on the floor now and are asking for beds and furniture.

Like the woman who was in a car accident 2 years ago and still has terrible back pain every day. She needs a firm mattress but can’t afford to get one.

Like the family who will be getting their apartment key tomorrow and will have nothing to move into it. An 87 yr old man, daughter and her daughter.

Like the multiple people who have asked for winter boots and there is more snow coming tonight.

There is good news though too!  God is using R&R to connect your resources with people in need. A woman who became a widow this fall came for clothing broke down in tears as she not only received some winter items but also was able to talk to caring volunteers and receive prayer. Messages of hope were heard and hugs given. Something she never expected to get from her appointment! The look on her face when she left was totally different than when we first met.

After leaving her abusive husband, getting help, a job, and now an apartment, one woman is launching her life again. She is so grateful for the household items, leads on finding temporary food assistance and clothing. We hope to find a firm bed for her quickly as she suffers from health problems and has had two back surgeries.

Many stories… many needing the love of Christ…today. That’s something we can give!  We hope you have experienced and accepted this FREE GIFT.

Merry Christmas from Reach & Restore!

October 29, 2010

A Special Thanks to those who participated in our Macy’s Shop For A Cause Fundraiser a few weeks ago. We hope it was a fun and successful bargain hunting day. Thanks Macy’s for the opportunity!

Each day brings news of heartache and hope at Reach & Restore. It’s such an adventure to see God at work and we thank Him for his guidance and provision.

The latest story began when we called back a referred family and found out they were headed “home” from the hospital in two hours. The couple had just had a baby a few days before and were going back to their “new” apartment without beds, dishes, towels, etc. Our volunteers were able to pull many basic items from the Service Station right away and deliver hope and rest thanks to many R&R contributors.  Recovering from a C-section on the floor and with a three year old bouncing around was not acceptable when we could DO something to help. Many thanks from this family to you.

Please save your pop cans for R&R. It is another way we are trying to recycle and can raise some money for our ministry. With your participation we hope to fill and empty the trailer a few times a month. This should pay for our phone bill and/or provide a little gas money for deliveries. The trailer is currently parked behind Ridgewood Church in Minnetonka but we would also be glad to take them at our Service Station in Hopkins if it’s more convienient. Please call us at 952-933-1393 if you need directions.

THANK YOU for your prayers and support.