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Author: Justin Mullin

November 20, 2014

Yesterday we set a record!  Fourteen individuals came from a treatment center at once to use our clothing closet! It was so much fun to see their faces light up with joy from their visit.  One woman pulled out five precious dollar bills to give back to us. We’ve never had a line for “checking out” before.  The whole time a volunteer was trying to do some restocking and one of the guests joined us late because he volunteered to shovel our front steps! Snow had been blowing off the roof all day. It was a great way to end the busy day!

Today there were a number of single women that just needed to share their hearts.These are their stresses…

Children acting out- threatening and hurtful behaviors-  asked for prayer as she has to make tough decisions.  Has constant pain from nerve damage in neck.

Death in the family Tuesday night, asked to come to R&R to get away for a while and get her mind off of the tragedy.

Nothing but a mattress on the floor in rental home for a month- family of 3.

Just got housed from being homeless 4 years but due to simple hospital procedure going wrong, has had complications that led to missing work and losing job- now faces homelessness again without money to pay rent or electric bill.

Had car accident last year that damaged some short term memory recall- wants to work again- used to work in a dentist office. Would love to have curtains for her garden level apartment as someone has been occasionally tapping on the windows.

Please count your blessings and pray for those who long for hope each day!  R&R is a team effort!




November 6, 2014

It seems the requests are multiplying!  We really need boy clothing, kids shoes, winter boots, coats, adult gloves and mens jeans.  Pots and pans, baking pans, can openers, plastic cups and towels are needed as well.

We are thankful for each supporter that thinks of Reach & Restore as a way to recycle gently used items to bless a person in transition.  May God bless you.


September 2014

In one day… I heard jubilation as a family was informed that a bed was donated to her and would arrive soon.  I heard laughter as two friends shared excitement over finding needed clothing.  I heard whistling as a guest browsed through the clothing racks and tried on her favorite finds.  I heard relief and peace after praying with a woman about her family situation. I heard wonder and a hunger for more of the Bible through a conversation.  I heard the Lord affirm the ministry of Reach & Restore.

Please call us for our current needs.