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Author: Justin Mullin

May 10, 2015

As we reflect on mothers today, please don’t forget to pray for the many mothers who are single and trying to make ends meet on their own and for the mothers who have grown children and are isolated and ignored.  We have assisted many mothers in different situations who need a word of encouragement!I am thankful for the opportunities to listen, encourage and pray with ladies who live day to day without much support.

Tomorrow we have a large clothing appointment of 13 people coming from a treatment center.  It is amazing to see how God can use an outing like this to bring joy, hope and love into a life that longs for change.  Our deepest desire is that what we do at Reach & Restore leads to heart change.

Thank you for caring for mothers and more in our community by supporting the ministry of Reach & Restore!

February 24, 2015

“Have a heart.”  We hear this saying and it really means something at Reach & Restore.

Caring about people in simple, practical and meaningful ways shows “heart”.  It’s not always easy and it takes practice but the best way to learn, is thinking about putting yourself in another person’s shoes.

There are a few of our “swimmers” (clients) who will be getting keys to their apartments this week. They are excited to be moving out of shelters but will need help with making their own space their home.

One has left her abuser and is seeking a different life. We are encouraging and loving her without expecting anything back…a first in her life she says.

Another woman is getting out of the hospital in a few weeks.  She is in rehab learning how to walk again and will need a bed when she is released.  Reach & Restore will ease those worries with your help.  Thank you for having a heart for others!

John 13:34

Please call us for current needs…952-933-1393

December 31, 2014

Wrapping up a very full year at Reach & Restore!  We are very thankful for our supporters who have uplifted us with prayer and provided material blessings in 2014!

As a gentleman left his clothing appointment yesterday he said to his case worker, “That was so cool.”

When we hear comments like that they tell us that someone was treated with dignity, respect and love.

Someone noticed that Reach & Restore is a different place- where Christ is at the center of what we do.

This year we’ve given away over 31,000 items at clothing appointments!  Dozens of people are sleeping off the floor, under blankets, and eating at tables with dishes and silverware. Each person was given hope and unconditional love that Christ offers everyone.

Thank you for participating to make these differences in our community.  We are excited to serve in 2015!  Happy New Year!