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Author: Justin Mullin

August 27, 2015

It’s been 10 years since Katrina hit the south.  Next month we”ll be celebrating 10 years of serving those in need around us!   Praise God for his provision to do this!  We are so grateful for the support, prayers and time invested in Reach & Restore. God has touched so many lives over the years.

Even though we couldn’t communicate with many words, a Russian woman left her clothing appointment today by giving a huge “thank you” hug.

Nothing like it.

What’s happening tomorrow?

We are upon back to school clothing requests!  We need socks and underwear for all sizes, tennis shoes, jeans and sweatshirts.


June 29, 2015

Please note that we have a mailing address that seems to be listed as our physical address on some search engines.  If you have a material donation, please call us to verify where to bring it to.  952-933-1393

A case worker was smiling ear to ear today when he picked up a blender for his client. He said it seems like a little thing, but for this person it will change his life. He had to have all of his teeth pulled and because of deterioration of his bone, dentures don’t fit correctly.  Implants are not covered by insurance.  Now he’ll be able to blend his food, get more nutrition from fruits and vegetables and eat more balanced meals.

One of our other guests has started attending Celebrate Recovery and has accepted Christ in her life!  She told us that He was working on her heart and now things are making more sense.  The Lord will help her heal from her past wounds and with the support of R&R friends, get back on her feet.  We are thrilled for her new hope and new life with Christ!

Another person we’ve helped in the past called in a panic for baby items as she recently found out her young daughter is pregnant. This is a stress on any parents but a much larger one when trying to make it day to day and search for work.

A recent follow up was a praise report- a newly single mom landed a great full time job with benefits.  This is a huge answer to prayer for her to move on from an abusive situation.

Every day at Reach & Restore we hear life stories.  We are able to intersect these stories with your help.  Thank you for participating and please keep this ministry in your prayers.

May 10, 2015

As we reflect on mothers today, please don’t forget to pray for the single moms who struggle to make it day to day and the mothers with grown children who are isolated and alone. It is a blessing to have the opportunity to listen, encourage and pray with mothers in many situations.

Tomorrow a group of 13 from a treatment center will be coming to look for clothing.  It is always amazing to see how God uses this time to bring joy, hope and love to people. We love to witness the lifting of the burdens but our deepest desire is to plant heart change.

We are grateful for the supporters of Reach & Restore who have allowed mothers and others to see God provide for them in their time of need.