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Author: Justin Mullin

April 7, 2016

Just like the crazy weather that goes back and forth between blowing snow and sunshine, we have heard many sad stories of families grieving over lost loved ones and success stories of employment and keys to housing this month.   Thank you for supporting this outreach in various ways.  Each part plays a role in connecting people to meeting urgent, present needs.  Just today, someone asked for clothing for a funeral and another, cookware for their empty apartment.

Spring brings in a new, fresh air and colors that seem brighter than ever.  It resembles what we hear as people leave Reach & Restore.  Their steps are lighter, we hear sighs of relief and see smiles. It’s like a transformation right before us. Today was a good day for him or her and a brighter tomorrow is ahead.  It is wonderful to know someone cares! God sure does!

January 7, 2016

A NEW YEAR is ahead of us and we are so grateful for your support! God is keeping our doors open with your help and we love our guests!

One of our end of the year highlights was a surprise donation from a local grocery store who thanked us for being a part of the community. Some of their staff came, took a tour and heard our story. What an honor!

Typically, January is a little quieter but we’ve got a lot of people waiting for specific things from last year. Please pray for our ministry. That the message of God’s gift is clear as we serve.

Our current needs are: Men’s jeans, boots, gloves, tennis shoes, underwear,  Boys size 3T-18    Girl size 7-8 to JR.

Boys underwear and socks, all sizes, Plus sizes,     Large blankets,  Towels,    Basic Kitchen utensils, Pots/Pans, Toasters/small appliances

Twin and Full Beds, End tables, Small Kitchen Tables/Card Tables, TV trays,  Can openers, Plastic cups,  Cake mixes (birthday room)


October 29, 2015

Yesterday was very heart heavy day.  Every person who came into Reach & Restore was grieving!  Hearing difficult situations is a “normal” day for us but this was strange!

We were told about an 8 month old, a sister, a few friends, and dad had all died recently and others were processing the news of cancer in a loved one.  On top of that, an elderly woman came to her clothing appointment, had tripped and fell in her home and woke up from being unconscious on her floor the night before. She needs assisted living but can not find a low income unit.  Another called us because she was lonely, thanking us for helping her in the past.  A family who lost all in a house fire received some replacement items and clothing for her kids.

This is life all around us… Invisible pain!

We were blessed to pray with and hug our friends dealing with these things!  God is our hope and strength and we are humbled to be able to share His love with the people that come to us.

As we approach a “giving” season, please consider donating financially to Reach & Restore.

May Christ’s light keep shining and reaching into the hearts of the hurting through this ministry!

Thank you.