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April 21, 2007

Well, our little miracle dehumidifier didn’t have a functioning condenser. But it did move air around. The Lord provides again… an ad was placed for the need and today we picked up a working dehumidifier from a stranger. It’s plugged in and drinking fine.

The past few days have been interesting. A school called with a request from a family for bike safety gear. When we contacted city hall for information on the discounted helmet program and told her why we were calling she said she would take care of it.  That was sure a blessing! The family was so excited to pick up the helmets the next day. With this wonderful summer like weather, the kids surely had a blast on their bikes over the weekend!

An R&R person was connected to help at ICA for an emergency refill on medication. 

We learned of a family in North Mpls that struggles to make it every month but reaches out to the needy folks around them. We plan to connect with this family and bless them in some way soon.

One R&R family has been living in a hotel for a few months now. Please pray for them.  Their past choices are making their next move very difficult.  Things may get worse before they get better but we will not be enabling, just available for friendship and emotional support.  

We had another referral from an area church this week. Someone needed help finding housing here. His family won’t be moving here until the fall but his new job started last week. It was exciting to learn he was visiting some of the places we discovered for temp. housing. He said he thinks his family will visit our church when they all get settled here.

If it wasn’t mentioned in the last entry, the 13yr old’s baby was a healthy 7lb, 8oz. They are doing well except for the high pitched screaming from the baby which may add tension in the house. Especially for her dad who is struggling with cancer-resting will be a challenge. Please pray for this family and the dynamics.  The box of baby clothes and diapers was sent last week.

Still searching for housing for a few families. One of which needs temp. housing after a house fire. If you know of anyone who has space they can live in, Minnetonka School District would be ideal, until their home is livable, please contact us!

Praise- one of our R&R contacts got a promotion recently!