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July 23, 2010

Losing a job for one family led to losing their car,  living without electricity for two months then losing housing. We met them while the electricity was off and were in touch while they left their rental home.  Not a story anyone wants to hear- but a clear example of the process of loss, as unemployment touches people around us.

Reach & Restore was able to provide some practical helps for this family. Currently, still searching for work, they are living in a tent until work can be found. We were so thankful to a R&R supporter who had a tent for them to use!  Please keep them in your prayers as the heat is another unpleasant thing to deal with every day.  We are trusting that God will provide what they need.   The Clothes Line came in handy during this transition and we thank you for your support to make it available!

We have a long waiting list for beds!  Reach & Restore is searching for a more consistent source of nice, used beds. If you know of anyone who is downsizing or moving that has an extra, please contact us! Just yesterday a young lady received her bed that she has been hoping for. Suffering from arthritis since she was 3!  Not able to afford a bed for her current living space at her relatives’ house, it was taking her hours to get out of the house because of the severe aches and pains in her body. Now she will be able to rest and restore herself. Praise God!

The Clothes Line has had nearly 40 appointments and it has been such a blessing to add prayer for those who want it before they leave.  No one has turned it away and the peace that is given is such an encouragement and example of God’s unconditional care.

We press on with the call to serve Him!